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Community Tool Library Membership Form

Membership Type


Responsibility for Tools:  

  1. I accept full responsibility for the tools and equipment borrowed from the Community Tool Library. I will return them in good condition, and I understand that I am liable for any damage, loss, or replacement costs. 

  2. I will use borrowed tools safely, following all recommended safety guidelines, and return them in the same condition as received. I understand that misuse or unsafe tool handling may result in restricted future borrowings. 

  3. I will return borrowed tools on or before the due date to allow others to access them promptly. I understand that late returns will incur late fees. I authorise MACE to charge these fees automatically via my approved payment method. 

Communication: I will communicate promptly with the Community Tool Library regarding any issues, including damage or loss of tools, changes in contact information, or questions about tool use. 

Assumption of Risk: I understand that the use of tools and equipment from the Community Tool Library carries inherent risks, and I voluntarily assume these risks. 

Release of Liability: I understand that I am responsible for the tools borrowed from the Community Tool Library and will assume liability for any damage, loss, or injury resulting from my use of these tools. I release the Community Tool Library, Mansfield Adult Community Education, Mansfield APEX Club, its volunteers, staff, and board members from any liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising from my use of tools and equipment, including but not limited to injuries, property damage, or losses. 

About Us

Mansfield Adult Community Education

(MACE) is a provider of pre-accredited education and training, early childhood education and care, and community development.

Contact Us

Telephone: 03 5775 2077
Postal: PO Box 295, Mansfield VIC 3724

Address: 145-147 High Street, Mansfield VIC 3722

Hours:   Monday 10am - 4pm

              Tuesday to Friday 9am - 4pm

Follow Us

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ABN: 25 306 780 833


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