Services Australia
Closer than you think...
Your Registered Agent
MACE is a registered Department of Human Services Agent.
Agents are organisations in your community that have been trained to help you to access MyGov, Centrelink and Child Support services. There are more than 350 Agents in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia.
Visit Us
Mansfield Adult Community Education (MACE)
145-147 High Street, Mansfield VIC 3722
Opening Hours
Services Australia assistance is available between
10:30am - 2pm only, Monday - Friday.

How MACE Can Help?
We have an internet-enabled computer and will help customers access digital services
We provide a Medicare phone-claiming service and reply-paid envelopes to forward receipts to support claims
We have free telephone, fax and photocopy facilities
We can copy and certify identity confirmation documents so that original documents do not have to be sent in the mail to support claims
We provide face-to-face assistance, guidance and referrals and access to information, brochures and forms.

Please Note
Agents are NOT departmental staff so we cannot:
Make any payments or decisions about payments
Review, assess or vary payments
Issue Electronic Banking Transfers, Basics Cards, Medicare Cards or Health Care Cards.
Online & Phone Services
At my.gov.au, you can access a range of government services online and link
your online accounts using one log-on and one password.
To download the Express Plus mobile apps or for further information, visit humanservices.gov.au
136 240 - phone self-service is a convenient way to do Centrelink business.
133 276 (13 EARN) - report your income, Activity Test/participation requirements and changes to your circumstances.