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Industry Skills Courses

The following courses are delivered at MACE,

in partnership with Alexandra Community Hub

TOID 3730.

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Monday 18 November

10am - 2pm



Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) SITHFAB021

This is a required certificate to work with alcohol in licensed premises. Learn to safely and legally handle and provide alcohol. This course is registered with the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR).

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Monday 2 December

10am - 2pm



Hygiene for Food Handlers SITXFSA005

This face-to-face course will give you all knowledge you will need to work safely with food in restaurants, cafes or bakeries. The course is also suitable for members of community groups involved in food preparation.

The course is an introductory course for those getting started in the food industry or people who need to meet the minimum requirements for food safety training. The course covers all the basics including personal hygiene, safe food handling and how to identify food safety hazards.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for the unit of competence SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety.

FREE for participants 25 years and under, thanks to Mansfield Shire Youth and YacVIC's Future Proof program. 

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Monday 2 December

9am - 3pm



Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (White Card) SACICARD24

Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry (also known as a CI White Card) is endorsed by and meets the requirements of WorkSafe Victoria for induction training in the building and construction industry.

Successful completion of this course will allow you legal entry into building and construction sites throughout Victoria and across Australia.

Delivered by STAR Training RTO 21830

FREE for participants 25 years and under, thanks to Mansfield Shire Youth and YacVIC's Future Proof program. 

Can't find the course you need?

MACE welcomes enquiries and registrations for courses and training that interests you...

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